Fort Worth Dry Needling Therapeutic Treatment Procedure

Fort Worth dry needling therapeutic treatments from the physical therapists at Sports Rehab Specialists provide amazing benefits and are becoming very popular as a way to improve your health and wellness. Though many people are unfamiliar with the procedure, it’s a safe, effective way to reduce your pain and increase your mobility. The professional PT team at Sports Rehabilitation Specialists is here to answer any questions you have about these proven treatments. Our physical therapists have been successfully serving the local community with high quality PT treatments for over 22 years. As a privately-owned clinic, we provide a one-to-one patient experience that is superior to many of the other larger clinics in the area. We invite you to learn more about how we can serve you and help you experience the quality of life that you deserve.

The Dry Needling Treatment

It’s good to be informed and understand what the therapeutic procedure involves when choosing our dry needle pain relief service in Fort Worth. That way, you will be completely at ease for the therapeutic treatment that will provide you with the muscle spasm reduction and pain relief you are looking for.

Step One

Before getting any dry needling therapy done, the PT practitioner will review your medical history and do some physical examinations. Tests are used to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Step Two

If you qualify for the dry needling therapy, the next step will be signing a consent form for the treatment. The treatment cannot be administered if you have not given the health care experts the go-ahead.

Step Three

The next step in the simple process to receive our dry needle pain relief service in Fort Worth, will be when the health care expert looks at your vitals and reviews your medical history to personalize the treatment.

Step Four

One of our qualified physical therapist team members will then position you so that you are relaxed and comfortable during the treatment. Our treatments are painless and do not include any medications or injectable solutions, so they are all-natural.

Step Five

Our certified PT will then administer the Fort Worth dry needling therapeutic treatment procedure with the sterilized pins to the areas needing to be treated. During the procedure, you might experience twitching of the muscles or soreness; however, please note this is not a procedure that will cause pain or discomfort.

Why Choose Us?

Sports Rehabilitation Specialists has over 20 years of experience practicing physical therapy in the local area. We offer high quality services like treatments for movement impairments in Fort Worth. We also offer competitive prices on our services compared to other out-patient clients. Our team of PT experts have the training and certifications required to deliver your needling therapy procedure in an effective manner for muscle spasm reduction and pain relief.

If you are looking for a Fort Worth dry needling therapeutic treatment procedure, Sports Rehabilitation Specialists is ready to meet you and start addressing your needs today. Contact us today by calling 817-877-8977 to schedule an appointment and receive a $59 Dry Needling treatment on your first visit. Isn’t it time you received the high quality of care you deserve?