Burleson Kinesiology Taping & Injury Prevention

Alleviate pain and improve your circulation with Sports Rehabilitation Specialists’ Burleson kinesiology taping services. SRS is a physical therapy clinic that has been helping patients with surgical and non-surgical injuries in the local area for 22 years. We offer general orthopedic rehab, sports specific rehab, home exercise programs, custom orthotics, work conditioning, and more. We pride ourselves as a private clinic on offering the highest quality of care at affordable rates.

Experienced Professionals

Our licensed and knowledgeable physical therapists utilize evidence-based methods for Burleson injury rehabilitation. Our treatments are cost-effective and designed to improve mobility, ease pain, and increase function following an injury or surgery. We often work closely with our patients’ physicians to create the best physical therapy regimen available.

One of the methods we use to diminish pain is Burleson kinesiology taping. This technique, developed by a Japanese chiropractor, can help to reduce swelling, muscular restrictions, and pain. The process involves strategically placing elastic tape to improve the body’s healing process. The tape targets the skin’s sensory receptors causing a lifting effect. The lifting affect promotes lymphatic drainage to cut down on swelling. Kinesio tape is water resistant and usually lasts between three to five days. Your PT will skillfully identify where to place the tape to provide your joints and muscles with stability without limiting your range of motion. Some of the benefits of kinesiology taping include faster recovery, relaxed muscles, pain alleviation, delayed fatigue, reduced inflammation, and improved performance.

Relieve Joint & Muscle Pain

At SRS we often include kinesiology taping in many of our Burleson injury rehabilitation programs. It can be effective for treating neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and ankle sprains. This technique is also commonly utilized by the athletes that we take care of as clients. Kinesio tape may also help to minimize bruising and scar tissue. In cases of ankle sprains and fractures rehabilitation, taping offers comfortable support over a traditional ankle brace, and can provide you with better range of motion. Applying the tape to weak joints can aid in preventing future injuries. Kinesiology is most effective when used in combination with manual therapy. Kinesiology should not be used when there are open wounds, active cancer, diabetes, allergy, deep vein thrombosis, and fragile skin. Tape is most commonly applied in X, Y, I, or fan pattern depending on what you are trying to achieve. It should only be applied by a qualified profession who understands muscle fibers and anatomy. Our professional team will implement this procedure if it’s going to aid in your overall recovery and will answer any questions that you may have.

For any questions that you may have now about our Burleson Kinesiology taping or any of the other services provided by Sports Rehabilitation Specialists, call us at 817-877-8977. We’re currently offering a $59 Dry Needling treatment on your first visit. We are committed to your well-being and look forward to helping you alleviate your pain and get back to living the life you deserve.